Colombia: bird-richest country on earth!
17-day birding tour, March 2026

Colombia Birding Tour
The richest country on earth for birders: more than 1,900 species have been seen in Colombia! With so many species to see and such a wide variety of habitats to include, this tour is the perfect way to start your South American birding journey. We start in Colombia’s famous coffee region with its cloud forests, paramo and wetlands. Dry forests and mangroves will have us searching for tanagers and raptors before wrapping up in the Pacific region with rainforests and pristine beaches where we’ll be aiming to find birds such as the gorgeous Golden-headed Quetzal and Golden-winged Manakin. This comfortable tour strikes the perfect balance between time in the field and driving; while maximising the species list and providing plenty of great photo opportunities. Colombia nowadays is a thriving country where birding tourism is welcomed with open arms.
Birdwatching in Colombia
We will have the chance to see some of the most highly sought-after birds on the planet including antpittas, toucans, tanagers, hummingbirds, barbets, trogons and the emazing Cock-of-the-rock, the unique Torrent Duck, the unmistakable Horned Screamer and many more.
From watching birds at the feeders in the gardens of our comfortable lodges, to birding in the local mountains and lowlands, this popular tour will enable us to see a superb range of endemics as well as many other Neotropical species.
From the megadiverse rainforests where we walk forest trails in search of army ant swarms, and their attendant birds; to the ultra-scenic Andean cloud forest and paramo, followed by boat trips in the coastal wetlands and mangroves: by combining these very different areas we will experience some of the best the region has to offer.
Dates for this exciting new small-group tour are March 4 – 21, 2026. Price is US$8,899. Tour starts & finishes in Bogota. A detailed itinerary can be downloaded using the green button above. Book now to avoid missing out!
Featured Birds
- Chestnut-crowned and Crescent-faced Antpitta
- Green-and-black Fruiteater
- Grey-breasted Mountain-Toucan
- Hooded and Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager
- Sword-billed and Ruby-topaz Hummingbird
- Golden-crowned, Blue-necked, Bay-headed and Multicoloured Tanager
- Red-headed and Toucan Barbet
- Inca Jay, Long-tailed Sylph, Green Hermit
- Rainbow-bearded and Purple-backed Thornbill
- Collared Trogon, Horned Screamer
- Andean Cock-of-the-rock, Torrent Duck
- Expect >=500 species of birds!