Six Grasswren Tour
Tour Spot Available

Six Grasswren tour
This week-long tour is run once or twice each year. Now in our 19th year, the 6 Grasswren tour continues to be one of our most popular outback birding tours. This is one of Australia’s epic birding adventures, during which we search for half of all of Australia’s current Grasswren species: Grey, Striated, Short-tailed, Thick-billed, Western and Eyrean Grasswren. We will travel through exceptionally remote areas including Birdlife Australia’s Gluepot Reserve, the Flinders Ranges, the vast Strzelecki desert and endless stony ‘gibber’ plains.
In addition to the Grasswrens, time will also be spent searching for other good species such as Bourke’s Parrot, Red-lored Whistler, chats, Honeyeaters including Pied and Grey-fronted; Banded Whiteface, Inland Dotterel, Chestnut and Cinnamon Quail-thrush, Gibberbird and more. Some years we see Letter-winged Kites and Flock Bronzewings. Departs from and returns to Adelaide, SA.
Now with optional 2-day extension for the newly split Rufous (Sandhill) Grasswren.