Kimberley Specials & Black Grasswren Birding Tour
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Birding in the Kimberley
Join us for an exciting birding adventure across the unspoilt Kimberley region of Western Australia! Featuring all the local specialties, including Black Grasswren, Partridge Pigeon, Purple-crowned Fairy-wren, Kimberley & Red-headed Honeyeater, Buff-sided Robin, White-quilled Rock-pigeon, Dusky Gerygone, White-breasted Whistler, many finch species and more, this tour will boost your list significantly while traversing some amazing landscapes.
Kimberley Birdwatching
Starting in the wetlands of Kunnunurra (White-browed Crake) and Lake Argyle (Yellow Chat), we take a charter flight deep into the Kimberley to search for the enigmatic Black Grasswren at the scenic Mitchell Falls! From here we continue overland towards Broome, taking our time to explore the many fantastic habitats and landscapes of the remote, unspoilt Kimberley region, all the while staying in comfortable accommodation and enjoying great meals. At the end of the trip we reach the pearl of the north-west: Broome, where we can’t miss a visit to the world-renowned Bird Observatory. Here we seek out local specialties such as Red-headed Honeyeater, Green-backed Gerygone and White-breasted Whistler, and check out the famous Roebuck Bay where there are always good shorebirds present. This trip is always a hit so don’t hesitate to contact us soon!
Featured Birds
- Black Grasswren, Partridge Pigeon, Purple-crowned Fairy-wren
- Long-tailed and Crimson Finch, Northern Shrike-tit
- Banded, Bar-breasted, Yellow-tinted Honeyeater, Kimberley Honeyeater
- Buff-sided Robin, White-quilled Rock Pigeon
- Black-tailed Treecreeper, Green-backed Gerygone
- Sandstone Shrike-thrush, Yellow Chat, White-breasted Whistler
- Dusky Gerygone, Broad-billed Flycatcher, Red-headed Honeyeater
- Silver-backed Butcherbird, and more.