Great Southern Birding Tour
Tour Spot Available

Adelaide to Melbourne Birding Tour
The Great Southern Tour concentrates on the many specialties of the southern coastal region of Australia and the South Australian outback. No need to choose between birding in South Australia or birding in Victoria: combine the two in just 2 weeks, and then throw in an extension to Tasmania as well!
Departing in Adelaide, we bird along the coast to the outback deserts and dry watercourses, with birds such as Cinnamon Quail-thrush, Thick-billed Grasswren and Chestnut-breasted Whiteface. The Flinders Ranges, with its rugged escarpments and deep gorges provide rich birdlife including the elusive Thick-billed Grasswren. From here we’ll cross prairie-like plains to head south…..
Birdwatching Tour in Victoria & South Australia
…where we visit Birdlife Australia’s splendid Gluepot reserve, home to Malleefowl, Striated Grasswren, the endangered Red-lored Whistler, Chestnut Quail-thrush, Southern Scrubrobin and Mallee Emuwren. The Murray River will provide us with plenty of excitement with Freckled Duck, Yellow Rosella, Regent and Superb Parrot. Heading east we search for Pink Cockatoo and Black Falcon, while on the grassy plains we spotlight the endemic and very rare Plains-wanderer. We’ll visit Chiltern NP with chance of Turquoise Parrot, Speckled Warbler and Painted Honeyeater. Along the Great Ocean Road we pick up Rufous Bristlebird and Gang-gang Cockatoo; we marvel at the masses of waterbirds in Werribee and visit the tall, wet hill forests near Melbourne, home to Superb Lyrebird, Powerful Owl and many other forest birds.
This itinerary provides a perfect balance between maximising the species count – expect around 250 species – and the number of days we will be on the road.
Featured Birds
- Malleefowl, Musk Duck, Freckled Duck
- Plains Wanderer, Superb Lyrebird
- Gilberts, Rufous and Red-lored Whistler
- Rufous Bristlebird, Chirruping Wedgebill
- Spotted & Striated Pardalote
- Shy Heathwren, Rufous Fieldwren
- Striated and Thick-billed Grasswren
- Southern and Mallee Emu-wren
- Chestnut and Cinnamon Quail-Thrush
- 6 species of Parrot including Elegant, Superb and Regent Parrot
- 12 species of Honeyeater, 5 species of Robin